Dra. Ingrid Möller imparte cursos en Viena – 31st EULAR Sonography Course

La Dra. Möller está impartiendo cursos estos días en el evento de Eular (European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology – Liga Europea Contra el Reumatismo) que tiene lugar en Viena, Austria. Para más información sobre el curso: https://esor.eular.org/pluginfile.php/48827/course/overviewfiles/MSUS%20Advanced%202024%20-%20Programme%20%288%29.pdf
The 31st EULAR Sonography Course will be run simultaneously at three levels, basic, intermediate, and advanced, each of them being a combination of lectures and hands-on scanning of models and/or patients with musculoskeletal disorders in small groups with experienced tutors. The course has been designed following the recommendations for the content and conduct of EULAR musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSUS) courses.